Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pet Medical History Cover Sheet

When Nater started Pre-K in September 2012, I immediately knew I needed to create some sort of storage/organizer for all his school paperwork. And thanks to Pinterest, I came across Jen's blogspot, I Heart Organizing. This woman is awesome! I spent hours on her site that night. One of her post addressed exactly what I needed -- School Paperwork Storage.

via iheartorganizing
I especially LOVED her idea of a cover sheet for each year. 

But then it got me thinking... I also keep a folder tucked away in my filing cabinet for my pooch, Rusty. Everything from his "birth" certificate to vaccine records to grooming receipts are kept in it. Wouldn't it be a great idea to create a "Doggy Cover Sheet" to attach to the front so that I could quickly glance at it to see what shots, tests, meds he would need and when? I turned idea to paper photoshop and came up with this -- "My Pooch's Medical History: At-A-Glance"

... And I'd like to share this with my furry friends! Click here to download a blank cover sheet for yourselves. Just print and attached to your folder! 

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